Business Structure

Scalability Options for Small Businesses

Ramping up marketing, expanding product lines, building brand image, bringing on more help, and reviewing market feedback are five ways that small business owners are able to scale their business without draining their bank accounts.


What to Look for in a Bookkeeper

Every business needs a bookkeeper, so it’s no surprise that 62% of small businesses currently have an in-house bookkeeper. What about the other 38%? Many


What Areas Can a Consultant Help With?

There are many components that go into running a successful business, including strong operations, adequate human resources, and growing financial health. Each of these three


How to Properly Manage Cash Flow

Cash flow management is an area that many business owners don’t fully understand with 61% of small businesses listing it as a major challenge they


New Tax Deductions and Credits

The tax law is constantly changing, making it essential that business owners stay on top of the deductions and credits they are able to take.